The Museum Docents will present a special Veterans’ Day weekend “Healdsburg on the Home Front” History Talk on Friday, Nov. 8, from 1 -2:30 p.m. hosted at the Healdsburg Senior Center, 133 Matheson St.
Learn about Healdsburg life during the war, including how school children raised funds to pay for construction of a P-47 jet fighter, which was named for the city.
Find out what happened to the Japanese families who lived here…many of whom came back to stay after the war.
Hear about the many roles women took to help the war effort including planting Victory Gardens, staffing a hospitality house for soldiers, selling war bonds and more.
And we will be serving “Make Do Cake,” baked by Meredith Dreisback from a World War II-era recipe designed to help homemakers make dessert while staying within rationing limits.
The presenters will be Jerry Haag, Patrick Mukaida and Joanne Taeuffer. Special thanks to Healdsburg Senior Center for co-sponsoring this History Talk.