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Giving Tuesday
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Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving, encouraging people to support nonprofit organizations that matter to them. This Giving Tuesday, we hope you'll consider giving to the Healdsburg Museum, a local nonprofit dedicated to protecting, preserving and interpreting the rich history of the Healdsburg area.
Healdsburg Museum Online Auction
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We've got it all: dining experiences, vacation stays, wine, a gym membership and even a cemetery plot in the old section of Oak Mound Cemetery. See for yourself.
HMHS Annual Appeal
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2022 has been an epic year for the Healdsburg Museum and we have plans to make 2023 even better.
Your donation to our Annual Appeal empowers us to meet the needs of our community and address the challenges of the future.
The Healdsburg walking tour
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Join the 90 minute walking tour led by Linda Cook. Learn about Healdsburg’s rich history and discover its hidden gems!
Speakeasy Prohibition Soirée
We are excited to announce our Speakeasy Prohibition Soirée at the Healdsburg Museum Saturday, October 29th. 6:00 - 8:30 pm.
20 Fun & Best Things to Do in Healdsburg, California
Click for article published an article on the 20 Fun & Best things to do in Healdsburg. The Healdsburg Museum is #11! Check it out!
In the News!
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The Museum held a Basketmaking demonstration on Saturday February 12th. The event was featured in SoCoNews by Elsa Cavazos. Check it out!
Family History Essay Contest, 2022
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It is time for the Family History Essay Contest again. We will be accepting essays from local students, grades 3-8. The deadline is April 15th. Follow the link above or go to our website’s Educational Outreach page for more information.
“Dance in a Subterranean Roundhouse at Clear Lake, California.”
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Watch this short film to explore the painting “Dance in a Subterranean Roundhouse at Clear Lake, California” (1878) by French-born artist Jules Tavernier (1844–1889).
Healdsburg Museum Annual Meeting 2022
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Healdsburg Museum held its Annual Meeting on January 20, 2022. Check out the video to learn about the upcoming year and the 2022 Historic Preservation Awards.
Read All About It
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Healdsburg Museum Executive Director/ Curator Holly Hoods wrote an article on our exhibit, “From Diggers Bend to River Rock: People and History of Dry Creek Rancheria” featured in the Sonoma County Gazette. Check it out!
Language of the Land: A Basket Weaver’s Journey
Click HERE to register through Sonoma Land Trust
The Sonoma Land Trust will host Clint McKay on Zoom Wednesday January 26th, 2022 at 7pm.
Clint McKay (Dry Creek Pomo, Wappo, and Wintun) will reflect on his journey of learning basket-weaving traditions, native plants, and other wisdom from his elders.
Clint is a consultant on the Healdsburg Museum exhibit, “From Diggers Bend to River Rock: People and History of Dry Creek Rancheria.”
Cultural Resource Study
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The1983 Cultural Resources Survey of Healdsburg was the City’s first attempt to assess the quality and quantity of historic buildings, structures and sites in the greater Healdsburg community.
This survey area covered what was considered to be the "Healdsburg community" and coincided with historic boundaries of the Rancho Sotoyome Mexican land grant (1844). The survey identified and recorded pre-1941 structures, objects, and sites.
Image credit: Meyo Marrufo
A Virtual Celebration of Oaks and Acorns
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Join us for our virtual celebration of Oaks and Acorns! Kate Marianchild and Sherrie Smith-Ferri presented on Saturday October 30, 2021.
Mrs. R. D. Shelley; 636 Johnson Street, 1932.
Researching your historic home
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The Historical Society of Santa Rosa hosted Simone Kremkau, Senior Library Associate at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library, as she presented resources and techniques to research your historic home or building using the Sonoma County Library’s website.
Photo Archives
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This archive contains photos from the Healdsburg Museum collection.
Historic Healdsburg
A Self-Guided Architectural Tour
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This booklet highlights the architecture around Healdsburg’s downtown area.
Hannah Clayborn’s history of healdsburg
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This series of articles are former Healdsburg Museum curator Hannah Clayborn’s pick of the most compelling stories from Healdsburg’s past.
We know you will enjoy delving into these well-researched, educational and entertaining essays about Healdsburg of yesterday. We appreciate Hannah's generosity in sharing them with us.
Santa Rosa’s Rural cemetery
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This short documentary tells the story of Santa Rosa's Rural Cemetery - an historic landmark with graves going back to the 1850s.
Today is national Arbor Day!
Click HERE to download The Plaza Walk tree guide. This document has tree identification as well as history.
petition: help protect the sonoma county archives
Click here to sign petition.
The Sonoma County Archives at Los Guilicos house some of the county's most treasured historical resources. Over the last few years, the Archives have been threatened by wildfire.
We ask that the Sonoma County Library and the Board of Supervisors prioritize the relocation, improved management, and increased access to the Sonoma County Archives.
Click here to enjoy this exceptionally well researched and written article by Jean Taeuffer.
Sonoma County Yearbooks
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We are thrilled to learn that the Sonoma County Library has digitized early Sonoma County yearbooks! Issues of the Healdsburg High School Sotoyoman are available.
Spotlight on executive director/ curator, holly hoods
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The Mill District publication recently published an article on our wonderful Executive Director/ Curator! We are beyond fortunate to have Holly Hoods at the Healdsburg Museum.
Museums Advocacy Day 2021
We love museums! If you feel similarly, you can be an advocate by reaching out to your legislators to let them know that you value museums! Remember, they represent you.
Click here for template letters and to find your representatives.
William and Martha Scott
Pioneer Black Barbers
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Did you see that our research about 1860s-70s Black residents William and Martha Scott and the social leadership of pioneer Black barbers was expanded and shared by History Columnist Gaye LeBaron in her Black History month article in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat on Sunday? ♡
Cloverdale citrus fair
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The history of the annual Cloverdale Citrus Fair is featured in the February Sonoma-Marin Farm News, written by our friend and colleague Katherine Rinehart. A digital version is viewable via the Sonoma County Farm Bureau's website
HM&HS Digital Exhibition- Crime of the Century: The Lynching of 1920
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December 10th, 2020 marks the centennial anniversary of Sonoma County’s last lynching. Explore this monumental event in Healdsburg and Sonoma County’s history.
Giving Tuesday
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Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving, encouraging people to support nonprofit organizations that matter to them. This Giving Tuesday, we hope you'll consider giving to the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society.
Looking Back at the Influenza Pandemic of 1918
Click HERE for Museum of Sonoma County’s digital exhibition
From face masks, to banned gatherings, to closed businesses, take a look back at how Sonoma County weathered the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. The experiences of that trying time echo across the decades, resonating with the events of today and the threat of the coronavirus
"Suffrage Headquarters” exhibition curator, Mary Dodgion poses in front of the West County Museum.
Suffrage Headquarters
Click HERE for digital exhibition
The Western Sonoma County Historical Society invites you to virtually visit their newest exhibit celebrating the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women the right to vote. Learn about the suffrage movement and the life and times of the major leaders.
Andrew Chau Cook, 9, won the Healdsburg Museum & Historical Society's Family History Essay Award for his essay, “Voyage to America,” which chronicled his mother Helen Huong Chau-Cook and grandfather Son King Chau's journey from Vietnam to America. Chau Cook wrote the essay when he was a third grader at West Side Elementary School. (Christopher Chung / The Press Democrat)
Read all about it!
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We are so excited to share this wonderful article on the Family History Essay Contest with you. Ann Carranza, for the Press Democrat, wrote a wonderful piece describing the history of our essay contest as well as highlighting some of the 2020 Family History Essay Contest winners!
Black Oak acorn mush gifted to the Healdsburg Museum staff by Sherrie Smith-Ferri, Dry Creek Pomo Elder and HM&HS Consultant, in celebration of California Native American Day.
California native american day
September 25th is California Native American Day. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and honor the historic and cultural contributions by California Native Americans.
One way people are celebrating this day is by eating acorn mush. Acorns of various species were a staple food for Native Americans throughout California. Acorns, when leached of their bitter tannin, are a great source of good fats, minerals, protein and carbs. They appear in large quantities at predictable times (fall) and at predictable sites (adult trees). Acorns can be stored and eaten all year long. California acorns helped make possible the rich, settled life of California Native peoples, prior to invasion by Europeans.
To check out how people are celebrating and to learn more, visit:
Native American Day on Facebook
California Native American Day Website
California Indian Food and Culture
Vote for the healdsburg museum!
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We are honored to be finalists in the Press Democrat 2020 Reader's Choice Awards!
Support us with your vote(s)! Visit the link above.
Thanks for your support!
Photo: Rollie Atkinson
The Raven film center
Click HERE for article.
We are sad about the closing of the Raven Film Center (and relieved that the Raven Performing Arts Theater is unaffected). Thank you, Katherine Minkiewicz of the Healdsburg Tribune, for giving the Museum the chance to offer some background about the fascinating movie theater history of Healdsburg.
Email to share your comments for an upcoming article about the history of the movie theater.
Sonoma County's Food Processing History
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Happy to help our colleague Katherine Rinehart with research and photos for her historical overview of Sonoma County canneries and fruit packing plants, just published in the September issue of the Sonoma - Marin Farm News. Healdsburg had three busy commercial canneries operating next to the railroad tracks by 1890. Our City is prominently featured in her article, "A Small Taste of Sonoma County's Food Processing History."
The colorful can label, in the Healdsburg Museum collection, comes from Pete Dirvin's Enterprise Cannery, which opened in 1897 on the railroad tracks north of where the Cerri (Purity) Building is today. Enterprise offered a unique service in that it offered professional canning services to individual families who didn't want to go through the laborious process of canning at home.
Photo: Beth Schlanker/ The Press Democrat
North Bay Spirit award
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Congratulations to the humble and awesome Chris Brokate, founder of the Clean River Alliance. Chris is the recipient of the North Bay Spirit Award for his heroic efforts to keep trash out of our Russian River Watershed. Five years ago he began mobilizing volunteers to remove trash and other debris that might otherwise make its way into storm drains or the Russian River. The North Bay Spirit Award, a co- project of the Press Democrat and Comcast, honors "individuals who have gone all in to serve the community." Check out the article in the Press Democrat today.